Error get alias
Error get alias
Error get alias
Error get alias
Error get alias
Error get alias
Error get alias
Error get alias
Error get alias
Error get alias
Error get alias

We are redefine communication in physical locations, together

We're on a mission to help marketers and advertisers across the globe build truly connected, personilized and transparent communications with their audience in any Physical locations.
Successful international sales experience
Team members
Years of cooperation
Countries team presence
— Proprietary IP
— High entry bearriers
Our story

Addreality was founded in 2017 by Serg Galeev, Alex Rekish and George Cheishvili with a simple mission: create marketing in physical locations as a part of omnichannel strategy with metrics from digital world.

Over three years, we have connected more than 30,000 touchpoints in 18 countries for 200 medium and large customers with 10+M daily audience. Today, Addreality is recognized as one of the hottest MarTech, Adtech and AI startups, awarded by:

As seen in
Error get alias